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The Trees of Knowledge & Life

A Year Dedicated to Growth & Nurturing

February 26, 2024

Embracing our desire to teach others to fish for themselves, we kicked off 2023 by announcing our plans to develop and implement a scholarship program. As our ideas blossomed, we found ourselves branching up and out in some very exciting ways. We are deeply committed to nurturing both the Tree of KNOWLEDGE and the Tree of LIFE, which symbolize our
dedication to education and environmental sustainability.

We have extended our work in meaningful ways by planting seeds of opportunity and fostering strong community roots. We’re pleased to share details on the programs we successfully implemented in 2023, as we set our sights on growing our outreach in 2024, as the proverbial doors open for more!

The Tree of Knowledge: Empowering Education

Our passion for education has blossomed into two significant programs aimed at
sowing the seeds of knowledge:

Scholarships: Believing a lack of resources shouldn’t hinder one's educational aspirations, we've launched a scholarship program targeting passionate domestic and international students who are committed to using their education to make a positive impact in this world. After personally interviewing student applicants, we award semi-annual scholarships that are eligible
for renewal, based upon academic performance, part-time work and/or community service, as well as other criteria.

Many, but not all of our scholarship recipients participate in a program designed for those coming out of the foster care system. Through no fault of their own, these bright, dedicated students do not have the emotional support and financial assistance of parents or relatives. It is a privilege to help pave the way for students to be able to look forward to a bright and exciting future without carrying the burden of additional financial stress. For more details on our scholarship criteria and application process, click here.

School Supplies: Our commitment to education extends to supporting the students attending the two schools in remote Cambodian villages that we had constructed in 2020 and 2021. To ensure these students have the necessary tools for learning, we provide essential supplies, including notebooks, pencils, and books, enabling these children to effectively pursue their education.

The Tree of Life: Fostering Sustainability

Our Tree of Life programs are rooted in the belief that environmental sustainability and community empowerment go hand in hand:

Mushroom Gardening: In collaboration withour partners in Cambodia, we support the establishment of mushroom houses, which not only provide nutritious food for families but also offer a source of income through the sale of surplus crops. In 2023, we further expanded the roots of this program by providing the funding to have a multi-room dormitory built in order to extend the reach of these comprehensive gardening and mushroom farming training programs. It is our hope that this vision of self-sustainability can gain a foothold across the far-reaching corners of Cambodia.

Planting Trees and Plants: Recognizing the urgent need for reforestation, we've begun donating trees and plants in various global locations, starting with a heartfelt project in Ohio, where our personal roots lie. This effort is part of our broader mission to contribute to the planet's health and biodiversity.

Looking Ahead to 2024
As we turn the page to 2024, we are committed to touching more lives and creating lasting change as we continue to branch out and reach new heights. We invite you to explore our newly updated website, where you'll find in-depth information about our ongoing projects and future plans. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the world. Thank you for your unwavering support and for being a part of our journey. Here's to a fruitful 2024, filled with growth, learning, and sustainability!