Seeing the results of MTRF’s Home Sustainability Program first-hand clearly confirmed it significantly changes the lives of Cambodian families in need! Each $175 donation covers the costs of cement-based pillars, poles & metal roofing materials; these provide a much sturdier framework for long-lasting dwellings (especially critical during the rainy season of May-Oct.). An ideal illustration of why we started this program is found in this photo of a typical starter home of a newlywed couple we recently visited.

Reaching some of the newly constructed homes literally involved navigating muddy paths in rice fields, driving over extremely unpredictable “roads,” stopping as cattle crossed our path, you name it. We never knew what to expect around each turn, including the occasional extra special treat of seeing school children wearing MTRF-donated uniforms & backpacks pass by on their bikes!

The first homes we visited were those donated by one of the earliest supporters of this program, Jennifer Mars (to whom we owe undying thanks for all she’s done to open doors for us & others in Cambodia)! Below is a video & photo of homes that are near & dear to Jennifer’s heart.

It was quite touching to visit a home AND two memorial wells that were dedicated to Liv during this past year. Below, we're pictured with the wife of the family that received both a well AND a house, while another photo captured an entire family benefitting from another well. Liv's giving spirit lives on each time these families access their fresh water!

Just to make certain we managed to fit in an adequate workout on a super hot/humid day, we took a rather interesting long “hike” to reach a very remote family that received $500 worth of home building supplies that George & Kathy donated in memory of her sister, Linda. Below, we share a photo of their new sturdy home & a video of the recipient family expressing their gratitude for both their home AND their well, which was dedicated in loving memory of Collin Wiant.

In an earlier post, we shared the story of a new mother & her newborn, both recovering from a difficult birth in the comforts of a home MTRF donated during last holiday season. Little did we know at the time that this home would be critical to this new mom & tiny baby, so it was especially gratifying to see the huge impact a mere $175 can have on a young family’s life!

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about this essential program! If, during this HOLIDAY SEASON, you’re moved to provide a family with the GIFT of a HOME by making a $175 tax-deductible donation, we’d appreciate it if you’d click HERE . This will significantly change their lives in 2020 & beyond! The customizable banner on the home can be devoted to a loved one & presented “In LIEU of a HOLIDAY GIFT.” We’ll even throw in a complementary customized dedication certificate (electronic) that you can print out to frame & tuck under the tree! How’s that for a unique idea for those “difficult to buy for” people on your holiday list?!