Let the countdown begin! With only 10 shopping days ‘til Christmas, many of us are “feeling the crunch!” We ALL have a few names on our shopping lists that present a “challenge” -- you know the ones to which I’m referring - they’re usually not in need of anything in specific, yet you’d still like to make their holiday special. This year, why not consider taking a creative approach?!
Speaking from personal experience, there’s nothing more heart-warming than knowing that a donation to a worthy cause has been made “in lieu of a holiday gift”! Luckily, the Mark & Trina Ramsey Foundation supports several worthy causes for those in need (water wells, mosquito nets, school uniform packs, shoes, bikes), one or more of which might truly touch the heart of your “hard to buy for” friend or relative. So, please join us in “getting creative” with our “gift giving” (via donations) during the holiday season!
The Ramsey Foundation’s “in lieu of a holiday gift” donation process is simple!
· Click HERE to visit the online donation center found at our website's DONATE NOW tab
· Choose one or more “in lieu of” options
· Process your transaction by clicking on the shopping cart
· List dedication name(s) & associated message(s) by using the “notes” section in PayPal
· Finalize your secure, online transaction
You will be contacted shortly thereafter and will also receive a receipt for your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation to this 501c3 public charity (EIN# 81-3309469). The process will be “wrapped up” when you receive an email containing your customized dedication certificate within 24-48 hours of your donation transaction.
These “gifts” of donation dedication certificates can be emailed to the recipients or printed out & presented in person – some of our donors even frame & wrap them! It’s such a unique & heart-warming way to celebrate the holidays, isn’t it? Come to think of it, this a WIN-WIN-WIN opportunity -- for your dedication recipient, the Cambodian families & YOU ("paying it forward").
Have one or more people on your list popped into your mind while you read this? I thought so! Please click HERE to wrap up your holiday “shopping” while simultaneously touching the lives of those who are less fortunate. This certainly takes “gift giving” to a new level, doesn’t it?