A friend of mine, who is scheduled for surgery very soon, came up with an ingenious idea when responding to someone asking where to send her some “get well” flowers. She said “in lieu of flowers……how about nets?!” Wow! PURE GENIUS, right?
Don’t get me wrong, anyone that knows us, is aware of the fact that Mark & I are huge fans of flowers (photographing & planting/painting, respectively) - as a matter of fact - our last blog featured flowers. Nonetheless, these nets will last for years, not days ……and the beauty of the smiles from those who receive them will give flowers a pretty decent run for their money (so to speak).

What’s especially heart-warming is that these nets are “the gift that keeps on giving,” as is this idea!! Below, I’m sharing a poem I wrote for this friend’s birthday a few years ago. When you read it, you’ll understand why someone like her would come up with such a touching thought! Yes, it’s just another dose of her sunshine coming through!

Here’s to a rapid, healthy recovery….and nets all around!! 😊