The definition of a home varies from person to person and country to country; however, one thing remains consistent across time & space: one’s home, no matter the size, location or design, represents security & stability! It enables us to feel protected, safe & “grounded.” When we’re grounded, we’re balanced & when we’re balanced, we’re able to touch the lives of others in significant ways.
As I write this, we’re wrapping up our lengthy journey of house-hunting (after selling our previous home prior to finding a replacement to accommodate our buyers’ time-frame). Placing items in storage & living “day by day” - without knowing where we’d land - gave us an even deeper understanding of the significance of having a place one calls “home.” Needless to say, the irony of launching MTRF’s “Home Building Supplies” Program earlier this year was not lost on us during the past several months!
Like our OWN journey, the recipients of these donations of “home building supplies” found that one must overcome many hurdles & diligently work toward making a house a home. In-keeping with MTRF's sustainability objectives, it was essential that these families contributed THEIR time in exchange for these donated materials; in this way, we could reach our mutual goal of providing adequate housing. To this end, they juggled caring for their children, their day jobs, gardening, etc, while ALSO gathering fronds AND recruiting friends & neighbors to help them construct their homes. As they say, “it takes a village…” and just like with us, friends & loved ones did what they could to help out during this time of transition.
The construction of these new homes took much longer than we’d originally anticipated (again, just like our own house-hunting project); however, in the end, these families (AND WE) are thrilled with the results!

MTRF wishes to thank the early supporters of this program - those who trusted that it would be monumentally beneficial to these Cambodian families in need. With gratitude for the donations from Don & Karen Hellwig, Bob & Ellie Pulcini, Jennifer Mars, and Rob Burge & Seonkyoung An, we are pleased to share photos (above & below) of the first of many Cambodian families who worked very hard to make great use of these supplies to provide proper housing for their young families! (Photos of other homes “in the works” will be posted on our and website in the future).

If you’re unfamiliar with this program, we encourage you to read our previous blog, “Home, Sweet Home” where we shared an overview on why & how we desired to introduce this approach to making a difference for families in need. (Below is a "before" photo of one of their homes, complete with leaky roof).

Are you interested in providing other parents with the materials needed to provide their children safe & dry, with the sense of security & stability they’d feel in a sturdy home (that’s on pillars to prevent flooding during the rainy season)? Please click HERE to learn more about how you can help!
We started this program with hopes & dreams. During the process, we learned that – with patience & determination – dreams DO come true! We also learned that nothing beats “home, sweet home!”