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Celebrating Fathers:

Grow, Nurture, Support, Flourish

(Dedication of Mushroom Farming Dormitory)

June 14, 2024

This weekend, we will be celebrating fathers, just as we honored mothers last month. It is an opportunity for us to reflect on how our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, coaches, teachers, neighbors & friends have influenced our thoughts & actions. Ultimately, these individuals have the opportunity to leverage their unique strengths to enhance our lives in both small and
significant ways. This takes time, commitment & passion.

Through selfless acts – consciously or unconsciously – they model behaviors & infuse ideals that enable us to grow on a variety of levels. Seeds are planted in our minds & in our hearts. Reinforced through consistency, edication & encouragement, we’re supported, just as a gardener patiently & persistently waters and fertilizes their flowers & vegetables. And then, with time, thanks to their significant role, everything and everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

As the years go by, we realize we’ve been taught to fish forourselves. We rejoice as we harvest, and then we begin planting seeds that serve and benefit others as the cycle continues. This cycle begins as we enjoythe fruits from the Tree of LIFE (which enhances our bodies), while also
benefitting from the Tree of KNOWLEDGE (whereby we learn & develop special skills to sustain us). These two trees, deeply rooted as a result of those who nurture us, become the pillars upon
which we build our communities and sustain our planet.

Earlier this year, we shared how MTRF is embracing the Tree of KNOWLEDGE by awarding college scholarships, providing school supplies and supporting unique training programs aimed at the development of life-enhancing skills such as mushroom farming. The latter parlays directly into our Tree of LIFE programs that serve to enhance our environment, through the planting of trees and crops.

We’re pleased to share that our most recently funded project in Cambodia – A TRAINING CENTER DORMITORY – has been completed! Initially, this dorm will serve to house Cambodians in need that express an interest in learning the skill of mushroom farming. Over the past couple of years, our Cambodian partner has been developing and testing a program by which mushroom houses can be created for farmers to grow crops from provided spores. These mushrooms are used to feed their families, while ALSO providing an excellent source of income when sold to restaurants catering to locals and the ever-growing tourist population. To this end, individuals are willing to travel great distances to be taught this skill and receive spores that are used for establishing their own mushroom houses in their villages, hence the need for this dormitory!

On this occasion, we are excited to announce that this dorm has been dedicated in honor of Trina's father & grandfather, both avid gardeners in their own rights (see below for details of dedication placard that hangs on the building). As we celebrate them in this unique way, we invite you to take a moment to reflect upon the many ways that your role models have planted seeds that enhanced your life over the years and encourage you to express your gratitude to them in your own special way.

In closing, we thank all of you for the support that you’ve extended to us over the years. It is through your contributions that we are able to expand the work we are doing to include special projects like this – we are truly grateful!

PS Trina’s father, who celebrated his 90th birthday this year, continues planting his garden to this very day. He lets no obstacles stand in his way....